Monday, September 28, 2009

current points table

If you click on comments below you can see a complete list of riders and the overall aggregate.

This weekend Stuart Robinson has to start and finish the race for his 10 points, Matty Gstrien could theoretically win outright, so the Camperdown race will be an interesting wind up to the series, good luck to both of them and hopefully there will be no mechanical failures or punctures to hold eithor of them up.

All of the riders in the top 10 have not only been consistent competitors they have performed well, Stuart Robinsons effort this year in his first year back has been outstanding.
Hope to see a good turn out at Camperdown, and good luck to all the riders.

Who will get the series, Matt has the Home town advantage, and Stuart has the determination!

1 comment:

  1. Stuart Robinson 259
    Matthew Gstrein 240
    Mark McLaren 207
    Brendan Schultz 191
    Richie Belleville 169
    Paul Bosch 160
    Mark Hermon 157
    Heath Riley 156
    Steve Kelly 155
    Stephen Mutch 148
    Monica Kelly 141
    David Tozer 125
    Andy Graham 122
    Jon Kidman 115
    Xavier Gstrein 112
    Richard Schilling 109
    Simon Walsh 109
    Melissa McKinlay 108
    Dean McLaren 107
    Chris Jehu 105
    Garry Polack 104
    Glen Schouler 104
    Lawrie Peake 104
    Brian McNamara 103
    Darren Sheldon 103
    Peter Radcliffe 98
    Stuart McKinlay 94
    Arno Vandershans 93
    Matthew Opperman 92
    Eric Gstrein 85
    Dylan Hately 85
    Dale Cummins 83
    Travis Greening 76
    Ray Bilney 75
    Robert Mann 72
    Rohan Creed 72
    Nicole Everett 65
    John Jenkins 65
    Richard Wood 64
    David Herrewyn 63
    Jason Winnen 62
    Mark McLaren 61
    Kane Fraser 60
    Andrew Brough 59
    Gordon Cram 58
    Tony Prytz 58
    Barry Warren 57
    Neil O'Donnell 56
    Bruce McLaughlin 55
    Darren Earl 55
    Neil Duncan 55
    Scott Noonan 55
    Howard Bartlett 53
    Clive Coomber 51
    Stephen Pickles 50
    Tim Aplin 50
    Robert Boydel 50
    David Jones 50
    Darren Pearce 47
    Mark Jehu 45
    Paul Brooker 45
    Roland Evans 45
    Wayne Collins 45
    Cameron Shaw 45
    Stephen Jones 43
    Mark Hyland 42
    Darren Jones 41
    Paul Kent 41
    Kate Winnen 40
    Keiren Bannon 40
    Peter Murphy 40
    Simon Povey 40
    Matthew Opdecoul 39
    Paul Nolte 38
    Eddy Ziedaitis 35
    Jeff McLean 35
    Wayne Hately 35
    Brian Hayes 35
    Nick Cockerell 35
    Nick Lee 33
    Mark Owen 33
    Craig Dunn 32
    Jeremy Kelly 32
    Roger Lewis 32
    Blake Hocking 31
    Chris Eichler 31
    Frank McCarthy 31
    Dale Scicluna 30
    Jim Dart 30
    David O'Dwyer 30
    John Hodkinson 30
    Neil Hyland 27
    Thomas Tower 27
    Gabrielle Lanman 26
    Sam Witmitz 26
    Alan Kennett 25
    Alistair Tune 25
    Damien McDowell 25
    Danny Bourke 25
    Daryl Lawlor 25
    Wayne Holman 25
    Stuart Pratt 25
    Rudolf Schmidt 24
    Jason Crowe 23
    John Anderson 23
    James Crafter 23
    Grant Oates 21
    Chris O'Donnell 20
    Kieran Glennon 20
    Larry McCarthy 20
    Laurie Paltridge 20
    Mike Bakker 20
    Peter Umbers 20
    Rob Cassie 20
    Terry Hurley 20
    Tim Schneider 20
    Anthony Brown 15
    Dallas Jones 15
    Irene Whennen 15
    Mark Molan 15
    Peter Hol 15
    Robert Helmore 15
    Shane Kennett 15
    Vic Wood 15
    Darren Allen 15
    AJ Batten 10
    Andrew Buchalka 10
    Ben Long 10
    Bill Crowe 10
    Brian Cunningham 10
    Clare Gibson 10
    Daniel Opdecoul 10
    Daryl Edwards 10
    David Lunn 10
    David McConnell 10
    Davina Pickles 10
    Derek James 10
    Geoff McLaren 10
    Glen Ahearn 10
    Jade Frankel 10
    Jahd Anderson 10
    Jo Coombe 10
    Joe Gleeson 10
    M.Bartlett 10
    Mark Wight 10
    Mark Winnen 10
    Mark Wright 10
    Matthew Bartlett 10
    Paul Scicluna 10
    Peter Coombe 10
    Peter Lemke 10
    Rob Hodgson 10
    Robbie Helmore 10
    Scott Bilney 10
    Stephen Jolley 10
    Steven Carlin 10
    Tim Angus 10
    Tim Donehue 10
    Tim Dwyer 10
    Tom Dermody 10
    Tony Bolton 10
    Will Wettenhall 10
    Marcus Falconer 10
    Mitch Brodgen 10
    Calum Middleton 10
    John Burt 10
    Ralph Iselt 10
    Jonathon Lacey 10
    Tom Power 10
    Liam White 10
    Gerard White 10
    Alan Green 10
    Jason Smith 10
    Nicholas Cockerill 10
    Barry Wurlod 10
    Kerin Gleenen 10
    Cameron Hart 5
    Chris West 5
    Clive Carlyle 5
    Craig taylor 5
    Jason Polack 5
    John Cranwell 5
    Lachlan Nolte 5
    Lawrie Boltodge 5
    Maddy Prior 5
    Malcolm Pyke 5
    Robert Bright 5
    Simon Crispe 5
    Stacey Hocking 5
    Tony McGann 5
    Joel Hossack 5
    Felicity Wilson 5
    Vincent Glynn 5
